Dim the lights. Choose your angle. Set your tripod (so to speak). This week we're talking NUUUUUUDES.
What's the Etiquette?
They did not cover nudes in finishing school (which of course both Amitai and Katie-Ellen attended. You should see them balance books on their head and choose the right fork and shit), but luckily Amitai has read up and put in to practice some tips, including asking former partners whether you have consent to keep their nudes.
What do you think?
One point of behaviour not covered on the pod is asking for consent BEFORE YOU SEND a nude - but y'all knew that.

Did someone say, boudoir?
Emoji Me
Also covered in this episode, Amitai's "fun and flirty" emoji education and Katie-Ellen's "text integrity." Below are pictures of each host's "Frequently Used Emojis" - truly the emotional equivalent of a nude. This is intimate stuff.
Can You Guess Whose Emojis Are Whose?
(These are like the same movie but the light background is PG-13 and the dark screen is NC-17)
Public Service Announcement
Probably the most important message shared on the show so far:
When someone you like shows your their naked body,* SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT IT.
*in a consensual sexy scenario. But even if they're just showing you a mole or something, couldn't hurt to throw a "you're so hot" their way.
Honestly, it's weird that message needs to be said. But it DOES.
Horny For
This week Amitai is horny for the work of The Quarantettes, who you can check out below or on BandCamp.
Katie is horny for Starlee Kine. Turns out Starlee's hit podcast Mystery Show **IS** still available on the Gimlet website. If you haven't listened yet you can check that out here.
Special Shout Out to The B-Bots Crew

Check out the Bots on Instagram or message this show or Katie-Ellen directly to get hooked up with them.