This time it’s different…because we’re joined by one half of the great new podcast “This Time It’s Different” and sketch comedy duo “Peter & Chris” - the hilarious Peter Carlone.
Peter slides into the digital tree fort to discuss chores, balding and whether he and Katie ever went on a date.
Plus, the trio consider sponsoring little league teams, why everyone thinks Katie’s a killjoy and how to let go of some furious anger fun.

RIP a real one.
Why does everyone think Katie's such a Killjoy? (Is it all the killjoy stuff she does constantly?)
Amitai is horny for small talk, Katie-Ellen is horny for the band Eve6, and everyone’s horny for Peter’s show. Tune in for a tip top episode and check out Peter’s video podcast “This Time It’s Different.”
Happy Holidays, y'all
(you too, Anglican Ministers)