Amitai and Katie-Ellen reflect on reactions to the show, colouring books, vacationing (and how Katie-Ellen is borderline incapable of it) and have yet another brilliant app idea for horny singles. Developers, get at us.
Most importantly though, Katie-Ellen reads the most important piece of Entertainment Journalism every produced.

You can read the whole article here, but a fan favorite fact is surely #8:

Information about his BOY MEASUREMENTS are still not known.
In this episode the gang is horny for not being loyal and also for the excellent podcast "What Did I Miss? with MJ Bourque.

Comedian and French Canadian expat MJ Bourque asks her guests to introduce her to the movies and TV shows of their childhood so she can catch up on the cultural references she missed out on growing up in another language. Every episode we recap the plot of the film/TV show in question, dive into some pieces of trivia, and learn a bit more about the guests themselves.
Check out What Did I Miss? here or wherever you get your podcasts.